Rector’s Message
When we look around, what signs of Christmas do we see? Whatare the things that capture our attention? What are the signs thatChrist is with us? Having just returned from a four month sabbatical – I hardlyneed an angel to proclaim the wondrous signs of what God isdoing in the midst of St. Andrew’s. It’s…
Read ‘It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas’…
After listening to Lorrie’s reading for this morning’s meditation, from Watch For the Light – a book of Advent reflections, it stimulated my thinking further about Mary. And yesterday, we also considered Mary in our Advent Bible Study in the Stations of the Nativity (along with Zechariah & Elizabeth, their son John the Baptizer, and…
Read ‘Vicar’s Corner Dec 2020: ‘Out’-growing God’…
Recently, I came across an assertion in a daily meditation, that we need both patience and impatience in these inbetween times. That’s been rattling around in my thoughts for a few days. For some, maybe our patience has been stretched too thin and impatience is taking the lead. For others, maybe patience has lapsed into…
Read ‘Vicar’s Corner Nov 2020: Come Lord Jesus, come soon’…
…For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor powers, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Ro. 8:31-39) I thank God that we…
Read ‘Vicar’s Corner Oct 2020: Nothing will separate us’…
It’s September. And I usually say that it’s back-to-school time, but what does that even mean in this time of pandemic?
“We would not live by bread alone, but by thy word of grace, in strength of which we travel on to our abiding place.” (Hymnal 1982, Hymn #343, v.2)
If ever there was a time to depend on the Holy Spirit’s aid, it seems like the present hour, fraught with tensions and anxieties resulting from the protracted pandemic, now entering its fourth month among us in this country.
Morning Meditation led by members of Saint Andrew’s Episcopal Church, Winthrop. Wisdom – the meditation for Monday morning from Daily Prayer for all seasons; led by Tom B. We ponder the questions: What work will we do today? And how will we make it holy?
The topic considers the process of reopening church.