
Receptivity (Yr B Proper 9) by Amma Susan

“Where then did this man get all this?” (Mk 6:2b) Everything we get from the Holy Spirit is dependent upon our receptivity. We heard this theme of receptivity, not too long ago, in the parable of the secret life of the seed. The seed is cast, seemingly randomly. It finds its way down into the…

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The Hemorrhaging Woman & Jairus (Yr B Proper 8) by Amma Susan

“You brought me up, O Lord, from the dead; you restored my life as I was going down to the grave!” (Ps 30:3) These words pounded in his head as he jockeyed for position amongst the expectant crowd. Jesus had barely set foot on dry land before the people closed in on him, crying out…

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Jesus Stills the Storm (Yr B Proper 7) by Amma Susan

In today’s episode of disciple adventures, upon his commanding the wind and waves to obey, Jesus rather sharply asks his crew, “Why are you afraid? Have you still no faith?” Clearly by his calm demeanor, asleep in the stern, he had not been alarmed. Me? If I’d were in that boat, I’d have been thinking,…

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Secret Life of the Seed (Yr B Proper 6) by Amma Susan

As Jim and I were walking along the river yesterday, I spied a magnificent holly bush, simply and humbly nestled amongst the brush at the water’s edge. Surprised and excited at my unexpected discovery, I pointed it out and he said, “I wonder how it got there?” “Probably a bird or some other critter,” I…

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Strong Man (Yr B Proper 5) by Amma Susan

Like a scene in a modern-day paparazzi convergence, crowds are so completely engulfing Jesus and his disciples that they can’t even manage a meal together. His mother and siblings attempt to free him from the chaos; but it seems that Jesus doesn’t want to be saved by them. He coolly rejects their ‘offer’ of rescue….

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Afraid to answer the call? (Yr B Pente1) by Bill Nave

And I heard the voice of the Lord saying, ‘Whom shall I send, and who will go for us?’ Then I said, ‘Here am I. Send me’ And he said, ‘Go…’” But, wait just a minute here. Today I would be afraid, very afraid, of answering that call and saying yes, send me. Why? Why…

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The Eunich (Yr B Easter 5) by Amma Susan

If one does not buy into a theology of sinful at birth (or earlier depending on your pro-life/pro-choice views),then why gather as a community of faith for baptism, as we will on May 23rd, Pentecost, if not for cleansing of sin? We can take a hint from the pages of early Christianity focused on the…

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The Good Shepherd (Yr B Easter 4) by Amma Susan

Every year on the 4th Sunday of Easter, Church tradition invites us to remember that Jesus is ‘the good shepherd.’ That’s a problem. Because over the years, as the shadow of the cross began to dominate the landscape of faith, the image of The Good Shepherd began to take on sticky-sweet, romanticized overtones, sentimentalizing what…

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Anti-coagulant (Yr B Lent 5) by Amma Susan

I am reminded of a science experiment from my youth; how soap acts as a dispersant in a bowl of dirty water, breaking up grease and sending it to the edges. “Dove” works really well for this, no pun intended! This metaphor can be applied to the action of God in the world and how…

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Zeal (Yr B Lent 3) by Tom Ward

My mother liked to refer to “presumptuous sins.”  Yet she was something of a zealot – for peace, racial justice, and socioeconomic equity.  Mom could experience moments of overpowering outrage and righteous anger.  My father, my sister, my brothers and I, like the disciples, would watch as zeal washed over her and took control.  We…

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