Past Special Worship Service

Feast of Saint Andrew’s Celtic Eucharist (Nov. 30th)

According to Wikipedia: St. Andrew’s connection with Scotland may have been reinforced following the Synod of Whitby (7th C. Northumbria), when the Celtic Church felt that St. Columba had been “outranked” by St. Peter! Feasts in St. Andrew’s honor go back to 1000 a.d. but it was with the 1320 Declaration of Arbroath in which Scotland’s independence was declared that he officially became Scotland’s patron saint, citing Scotland’s conversion to Christianity by Andrew, “the first to be an Apostle.” claims “St. Andrew’s philosophy was incredibly simple: take what you have and share it with those less fortunate! He became known as a strong and fair man who took every opportunity to help others whenever he could.”

In John’s gospel, it is Andrew whose first response encountering Jesus is to go find his brother Peter and bring him to Jesus! And it is Andrew who brings the boy with the loaves and fishes to Jesus in the account of the Feeding of the Five Thousand. It appears that a spirit of generosity was one of his greatest gifts as well as creative problem solving!

And so our faith community’s story is rooted in Andrew’s story and all those who claim him as their patron saint. St. Andrew’s Winthrop declares, “We are a welcoming faith community of all ages in the service of Jesus Christ. Our mission is to witness [to] God’s presence and love. Our vision [is] to develop an inclusive community, share Christian love and commit to strong outreach.”

(For more information see the calendar of events)